Tell President Biden: Please remove toxic lead water pipes quickly and equitably!

Tell President Biden: Please remove toxic lead water pipes quickly and equitably!

Sign our petition to the White House urging the Biden administration to remove lead service lines as quickly and as equitably as possible.

Sign our petition to the White House urging the Biden administration to remove lead service lines as quickly and as equitably as possible.

Photo of water faucet

Photo: Brian Maranan Pineda for NRDC

There is no safe level of lead exposure. But millions of old lead pipes contaminate drinking water in homes in every state across the country, causing a lead contamination crisis that is putting the health of our children at risk.

President Biden has promised to remove these lead pipes within 10 years. But we need the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to move even faster. Additionally, the way it currently distributes the funds to replace lead pipes is not equitable and doesn’t adequately take into account the high costs with which impacted communities are burdened.

We need the Biden administration to quickly move to replace lead service lines in a fair and equitable manner.